Oramus stretched his wings and dipped into the dawn.
Oramus stretched his wings and dipped into the dawn.
The Owl Council opens this meeting the night of June 5, Year of The Wren!
The Owl Council opens this meeting the night of June 5, Year of The Wren!
Charles Camille's cage was the kind that he had read about in books, but never seen.
Charles Camille's cage was the kind that he had read about in books, but never seen.
He stepped quietly into the light and entered the room.
He stepped quietly into the light and entered the room.
It was a motley group that came out from the forest beyond the edges of the fields.
It was a motley group that came out from the forest beyond the edges of the fields.
The door of the bungalow flew open and the outline of a  young man stood in the frame.
The door of the bungalow flew open and the outline of a young man stood in the frame.
The scuttling was pronounced now and the two stood back to back.
The scuttling was pronounced now and the two stood back to back.
To her surprise he flew right through the wall of the cube.
To her surprise he flew right through the wall of the cube.
He eyed the door opening with concentration.
He eyed the door opening with concentration.
How do I know I have safe passage back?
How do I know I have safe passage back?
After the first moments of horror, Jane noticed something.
After the first moments of horror, Jane noticed something.
Cecil and Jane flattened themselves on the wall in the shadows, trying to become invisible.
Cecil and Jane flattened themselves on the wall in the shadows, trying to become invisible.
And then, as quickly as it had come, the rosy light fell away.
And then, as quickly as it had come, the rosy light fell away.
 The two walked outside and sat on the low wall under the branches.

The two walked outside and sat on the low wall under the branches.

 Oramus slurped his noodles in grateful silence.

Oramus slurped his noodles in grateful silence.

 A rush of wind flew from the page.

A rush of wind flew from the page.

Kolbrin extended his massive wings and lifted slowly from the dais.
Kolbrin extended his massive wings and lifted slowly from the dais.
                Oramus rose and flew in a long, lazy arc across the evening sky.
Oramus rose and flew in a long, lazy arc across the evening sky.